The legal structure of Thai Kitchen – Florissant – O’Fallon – St. Charles – Wentzville.

The parent management company is Thunder Dragon, LLC (Charter No. LC014369675) d.b.a. Thai Kitchen.

This includes all entities relating to our structure.  Other entities operate with this generic name, “Thai Kitchen.”  Any other businesses operating as “Thai Kitchen” is unrelated and should not be associated with our list of entities.

Legal verification can be obtained at the Missouri Secretary of State.

An individual entity owns each location, but all entities, except Florissant, are owned and managed by Thunder Dragon, LLC.

Legal Notifications or Public Notices

Other critical contacts are as follows:

  • Sasimonthon Ongartsutthkul (a.k.a.  “Andie” or “Sasi”), Sole Managing Member/owner of Thunder Dragon, LLC, which owns O’Fallon, St. Charles, St. Louis, and Wentzville – She is no longer affiliated with the Thai Kitchen in Maryland Heights but will open Thai Mama in Maryland Heights in Fall of 2023
  • Sombut Ongartsutthkul, Managing Member/owner of Florissant
  • Nickie Woodruff, Manager
