Thai Kitchen – O’Fallon has obtained all permits to begin the expansion with hopes of a reopening in January 2023

O’FALLON, MO (LoveThaiSTL) Thai Kitchen – O’Fallon has obtained all required permits, we hope, that is needed to expand into the space next door to the east, which has an address of 8630 Mexico Road.

The sign will read “Thai Bar.”

We anticipate opening the new space sometime in January 2023.

The new space creates additional seating, which is needed and adds a bar for eating or drinking.  We will keep you updated on the progress.

Not only have we obtained the permits, but the fire department granted permission to proceed and begin closing the walls with sheetrock.

Regarding the existing space, we have remodeled, including painting, and created more dining space by removing some tables to make it easy for our newest server to have additional room to deliver your food.  Thaiger is a robot that provides food to the tables.  We invite you to visit and meet Thaiger today!